lundi 2 juillet 2007

Sustain an erection

Sustain an erection by DE

Specific steps take place to produce and sustain an erection. If something affects any of these factors or the delicate balance among them, erectile dysfunction is the likely outcome. - Arousal. The first step is sexual arousal, which men obtain from the senses of sight, touch, hearing and smell, and from thoughts. - Nervous system response. The brain communicates the sexual excitation to the body's nervous system, which activates increased blood flow to the penis. - Blood vessels' response. The blood vessels that supply the penis relax, allowing more blood to flow into the shafts, which produces the erection. Nonphysical causes may account for impotence. They may include: 1. Psychological problems. The most common nonphysical causes are stress, anxiety and fatigue. Impotence is also an occasional side effect of psychological problems such as depression. 2. Negative feelings. Feelings that you express toward your sexual partner -- or that are expressed by your sexual partner -- such as resentment, hostility or lack of interest also can be a factor in erectile dysfunction. Physical causes account for many cases of erectile dysfunction and may include: - Nerve damage from longstanding diabetes (diabetic neuropathy) - Cardiovascular disorders affecting the blood supply to the pelvis - Certain prescription medications - Operations for cancer of the prostate - Injuries of the spinal cord

About the Author

Mens Health

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